Friday, December 10, 2010

Positively Beautiful!

It’s really difficult to feel, look and experience beauty when you are overwhelmed with negative energy. Amongst other things ,negative energy equals stress. The stress response turns on a whole cascade of bio-chemical reactions in your body. These reactions directly influence the way we look, feel and experience life. From the inflammation response to the excessive release of the hormone cortisol our body and energy level suffer. Internally we feel the effects of stress and externally the world sees these effects. For example, our skin shows stress quickly and can become lack luster, dull, sallow, inflamed and so on.

Remember we are all made of energy and we absorb energy. What type of energy have you been absorbing lately? What skills do you have for shielding yourself from the bombardment of negativity in your daily life? Are you surrounding yourself with positive energy and making high energy choices? Please watch the below video from Dr Judith Orloff for some tips on how to tap positive energy and shield yourself from negative energy

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